« 道缘氣功学校 »
Courses and training in qigong from the Daoist and Buddhist traditions
~ The school of Grandmaster Guo Bingsen ~
Teacher: Edith Guba

Muyu Gong ~ 沐浴功

The aim of these simple, very original exercises is the abundant absorption of Qi, the flushing ('shower') of the interior of the body with the absorbed Qi and the expulsion of used Qi.

In the first part, one works with movement, imagination and breath control.

The second part consists of standing exercises accompanied by imagination and breath control.

The last part of Muyu Gong is practiced while sitting. Here, too, one works with similar imagination and breath control as in the previous exercises.

So we find here the gradual structure typical for many traditional exercise systems: from leading ('daoyin') exercises in movement to energetically stronger variants in standing and sitting.

The best results are achieved by practicing the series completely.

Muyu Gong is reminiscent of some methods compiled in the West from Eastern methods, which are often used especially in the therapeutic field.

However, since these are exercises that have been handed down for centuries, they have been tested and improved since their first beginnings: experience in the context of the exercises has been integrated into the entire system of exercises, its structure and its execution for a long time here.

Healthy people can practice these exercises to take care of their health.

It gives sick people the possibility - in addition to medical care - to do something for their recovery themselves.

Therapists can integrate this method - after participating in the appropriate training - into their treatment concept.

If you are interested, I would be happy to offer you a training model suitable for your institution.