« 道缘氣功学校 »
Courses and training in qigong from the Daoist and Buddhist traditions
~ The school of Grandmaster Guo Bingsen ~
Teacher: Edith Guba

Sun & Moon

Exercises to absorb energy from nature have been developed predominantly in Daoist circles, in which the interaction of humans in cosmic processes has always been focused on and researched. In Daoist thought, all earthly phenomena are understood as characteristic mixtures of yin and yang. In this context, the sun is pure yang, the moon is pure yin.

Absorbing qi from the sun and moon complements the practice of other forms of qigong in that it increases and strengthens qi in the body. These exercises can also develop various latent human abilities and lead to progress in understanding qi. At a more advanced level, these exercises enable the practitioner to emit the absorbed qi to others.

The exercises were previously restricted to pupils of masters and must be transmitted by an experienced master. Edith Guba teaches the exercises in the framework of the qigong training at the Dao Yuan School in order to allow all those who wish to learn to gain the benefits of the practice.

Course participants are enabled to look directly into the sun for a short time. During the practice the sun appears as a disc of various colours and no longer blinds the eye.

After the course, these exercises can be practised alone. They must not be taught to others by course participants: this requires advanced abilities in qigong.

The course may only be attended by people practising Fan Teng Gong or Nei Jing Gong at the Dao Yuan School.