The training offered by the Dao Yuan School to become a teacher for Fan Teng Gong is aimed at people who know from the beginning that they want to work as a Qigong teacher one day as well as at course participants who only gradually develop the idea for this. The modular structure of the training makes this possible.
Basic training, minimum:
Dao Yuan Nei Jing Gong 1 (7 weekend courses to learn NJG1)
Dao Yuan Nei Jing Gong 2 (minimum 15 weekend courses to learn NJG2)
Dao Yuan Fan Teng Gong (at least twelve weekend courses, at least six of which are in regular paid assistant courses organized by the prospective teachers themselves. - Specifically: the prospective teachers organize Fan Teng Gong courses in their environment for the Dao Yuan School, which are led by Edith Guba and in which they themselves participate as learners; in parallel, the prospective teachers offer regular refresher courses for the participants of these weekends.
30 hrs. energy field
1 x absorption of the energy of the sun and moon
At least 30 hrs of Dao Yuan Gua Sha Fa
1 x 'Theoretical Basics
In total, this basic training at the Dao Yuan School comprises about 430 hours (60 minutes each); theory and practice are in a ratio of about 30:70%, in the course 'Theoretical Basics' the ratio is about 60:40%. After completion of the basic training, one can register for the examination.
The examination fee is 250 euros, extensions are free of charge; please refer to the current course program for the costs of the individual courses.
The examination includes a practical exercise part, a written theoretical part and an examination interview. It is administered by Edith Guba. If possible, advanced students of the Dao Yuan School accompany the exams as assessors.
After passing the exam, the teaching license for Dao Yuan Fan Teng Gong is granted.
The certificates were signed by Guo Bingsen until 2013 and have been signed by Edith Guba since 2015 and bear the seal of the Dao Yuan School. They are each issued for a period of two years and can be renewed (also upon application and if the requirements are met) for another two years each. The renewals were signed by Guo Bingsen until 2013 and are signed by Edith Guba since 2015.
Prerequisites for the extension of the respective certificate are the following course attendance at the Dao Yuan School within the 2-year period:
In the first 6 years after the examination:
Proven teaching activity and recognizable
reflection on this; a supervision course; participation in at
least one Fan Teng Gong course organized by the teachers
concerned themselves for the Dao Yuan School.
Proven teaching activity and recognizable
reflection on it; two supervision courses.
This regulation is valid as long as the respective teachers are active as teachers for Fan Teng Gong / Dao Yuan Fan Teng Gong.
Addition of other forms of practice:
Teachers of Dao Yuan Fan Teng Gong may be granted permission to teach Cai Qi Gong and Eye Qigong after attending at least two courses. Dao Yuan School recommends attending special training courses before starting to teach these subjects. Muyu Gong can be taught after its 3 training courses and participation in practice courses spread over two years. Taiji Quan, Hui Chun Gong and Fang Song Gong taught at Dao Yuan School may be included in their teaching by Dao Yuan Fan Teng Gong teachers at their discretion.
These teaching authorizations do not include the authority to act as instructors in the aforementioned forms of exercise.
Quality Assurance Rule:
Nei Jing Gong is taught exclusively within the framework of the Dao Yuan School and currently only by Edith Guba; if necessary, other teachers are appointed to do so exclusively by Guo Bingsen. So far, only Edith Guba has received the teaching permission for Nei Jing Gong from Guo Bingsen.
In order to teach regularly within the Dao Yuan School / Dao Yuan ~ School of Qigong, a registered license will be one of the requirements.
Currently, no licenses have been issued yet.