« 道缘氣功学校 »
Courses and training in qigong from the Daoist and Buddhist traditions
~ The school of Grandmaster Guo Bingsen ~
Teacher: Edith Guba

Sitting meditation C

C) A meditation traced back to Lao Zi ('SiMe C'). 

This series of exercises is only offered to advanced students of the Dao Yuan School after completion of Nei Jing Gong_3. It is taught over five weekends and originates from the free tradition of Daoism, the "Dao Jia", i.e. it was handed down outside the monasteries. This series consists of five exercises designed to develop the five manifestations of the mind: the Yin Shen, the Yang Shen, the Yuan Shen, the Sheng Shen and the Yu Shen. (Yin Shen: in the understanding of this tradition, part of the maternal inheritance; Yang Shen: part of the paternal inheritance; Yuan Shen: one's essential spirit; Sheng Shen: Spirit of Wisdom; Yu Shen: Jade Spirit).

While one can have first results quite quickly with exercises based on the development of qi - but which can also soon fade away if one stops practising - the development of the five forms of shen/mind usually requires years and decades of regular practice. But if one practices well, the results of this practice should also be permanent.