« 道缘氣功学校 »
Courses and training in qigong from the Daoist and Buddhist traditions
~ The school of Grandmaster Guo Bingsen ~
Teacher: Edith Guba

Qigong for therapists

People who work in medical professions have to deal with more or less severely ill fellow human beings on a daily basis.

The increased risk of infection and psychological stress that can accompany this is interpreted by Chinese medicine - according to its energetic explanatory model of physio-psychic processes - as a concomitant of regular contact with sick and/or used qi.

In interactive situations, e.g. the therapeutic treatment situation, a process of balancing and equalizing the energies of the persons involved - comparable to communicating vessels - now takes place, a giving and taking of energy.

In the long run, this can have damaging effects on the health of the therapist:

in giving he can spend his own "inheritance" of energy, his Yuan-Qi, in taking the spent energy of his clients can become a problem for himself.

Chinese medicine, which thinks in these energetic dimensions, also knows on the same level ways to reduce the potentially harmful effects of such influences: Exercises of Qigong, with strengthening, discharging and energetically building effect.

In addition, it knows methods to develop the release of energy in a targeted manner, in order to support others in this way.

The most famous personalities of Chinese medical history knew about these connections, Qigong was historically always part of their therapeutic practice: to strengthen their own health as well as for the benefit of their patients.